Black Truffle Olive Oil
Nett weight 100ml
With its nutty taste and velvety mouthfeel, our Black Truffle Olive Oil is a unique blend of the highest quality Italian black truffles in olive oil. It is great for dressing up a creamy pasta or bring subtle flavour to dishes like mash potatoes and fries. Drizzle on vanilla ice cream for a gourmet sweet treat.
Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight and warm surfaces. No refrigeration is required.
Product of Italy. Halal certified.
Olive oil, Flavour
Calories 63kcal / Total fat 7g / Cholesterol 0mg / Total Carbohydrates 1mg / Protein 0g / Sodium 115mg / Vitamin D 0mcg / Potassium 0mg / Calcium 0mg / Iron 0mg
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